Overall Goals for TRANSITIONS


TRANSITIONS is a VDOE funded project that focuses on the following three goals

Our Signature Pedagogy for TRANSITIONS Math

a) Focus on Lesson Study around the Math Vertical Articulation to Understand the Learning Trajectory (The Math VAULT)
Deliver content–focused mathematics PD and coaching to enhance teaching and assessment of algebraic thinking,  proportional reasoning and spatial reasoning across elementary to middle and middle to high.

b) Provide equitable teaching practices to access to each and every student
TeachMATH framework

c) Support Coach facilitated Lesson Study and Collaborative Coaching through Video Exchange
(i.e. Lesson study and video coaching), we focus on developing need-based, on-site and e-learning professional network to result in improved teaching practice and enhanced student learning.

Suh, J. M., Birkhead, S., Baker, C., Frank, T., & Seshaiyer, P. (2017). Leveraging Coach-Facilitated Professional Development to Create Teacher Social Networks for Enhancing Professional Practice. In M. Boston & L. West (Eds.), Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education: Reflective and Collaborative Processes to Improve Mathematics Teaching. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
APME 2017_chapter 7

Conference Presentations
September 2017 VAMSC ppt  and Vertical Map

Supporting Teacher Learning

  • What influences the extent to which teachers’ maintain the cognitive demand of challenging mathematical tasks?
  • How does the content seminars and Lesson study professional development shape teachers’ professional learning opportunities?
  • How do teacher take up on equitable and ambitious instructional practices?

Supporting Coaching and Teaching Practices

  • How are mathematics  coaches supported to help teachers make instructional shifts?
  • What type of activities in Lesson Study engage both mathematics coaches and teachers development of posing purposeful questions?
  • What do mathematics coaches need to know and be able to do in order to support teachers to develop high quality instructional practice?


Dr. Jill Depiper presented about supporting English Language Learners in mathematics instruction on September 19, 2016. Visual learning approaches were explored through rich problem solving!IMG_9295